Registrant | Registration |
Refers to registrants who are entitled to practice audiology or speech-language pathology in the province of New Brunswick.
Refers to initial registrants who are entitled to practice while completing a prescribed period of mentorship, waiting to pass the Canadian Entry-to-Practice (CETP) exam, or meeting prescribed conditions for full registration. Provisional registration also applies to non-practising registrants who have applied for reinstatement to practice and who must complete a period of mentorship or meet additional prescribed conditions for reinstatement.
Refers to a temporary registration which allows audiologists or speech-language pathologists from outside of New Brunswick to be registered in New Brunswick for a short term of less than 12 months, provided they are registered in good standing in another regulated jurisdiction in Canada.
Refers to registrants who are not currently active in their practice and have been granted a non-practising registration. Non-practising registrants are not entitled to practice audiology or speech-language pathology in New Brunswick under this registration category.
Refers to registrants whose registration has lapsed due to failure to renew. Expired registrants are no longer authorized to practice audiology or speech-language pathology in New Brunswick.
Refers to registrants who have voluntarily withdrawn from registration. Resigned registrants are no longer authorized to practice audiology or speech-language pathology in New Brunswick
Refers to former registrants who are no longer entitled to practise in New Brunswick. Registrants may have their registration suspended or revoked for reasons such as failing to submit required documents or meet registration or quality assurance requirements by the prescribed deadline, or due to a complaint, investigation, or disciplinary matter. Suspension or revocation may be temporary or permanent with or without the possibility of reinstatement.
If there are any restrictions or conditions on a registrant’s practice, they will be listed here.
If a disciplinary action against a registrant has been ordered for publication, it will be listed here either indefinitely or for the duration specified by the NBASLPA Discipline Committee.
It is each registrant’s responsibility to ensure their information is accurate. Registrants can update their information through the profile update located on the registrant portal.
This service is provided to registrants and the public to search for individual professionals they may wish to contact on a professional basis or to verify their status. The information is not to be used for any commercial, marketing, or fundraising purposes. It is optional for registrants to list their area of practice and contact information.